Trail’s End Ensuite Rooms

Trail’s End Ensuite Rooms


Product Description

The hotel was the brain-child of Pieter Silberbauer and his business partner Johannes Matthewson. After spending over 25 successful years in the house building business together they were looking for a dramatic change that allowed them to work closer to home.


Pieter, himself a mountain biking enthusiast, saw that their factory was ideally situated for outdoor and fitness buffs who want to explore the Overberg and, inspired by bike hotels he’d seen in Holland and Japan, decided that it was exactly what the community needed. Although he and Johannes were experienced house builders and could easily tackle the renovation work, Pieter quickly realised that he needed help to ensure that the hotel delivered exactly what athletes, both pro and amateur, would expect.

Cue his neighbour, Dr Chad Gordon. Chad, A chiropractor by trade, Chad has been part of the multi-sport since the age of 19. After many successful triathlons, he has re-focussed on trail running over the past few years and he is still winning races. He has a passion for health and nutrition and was an ideal candidate to advise Pieter and Johannes as to how to cater for those who love the adventure sports scene. With Chad on board, the vision for Trail’s End was able to be truly realised.

Our Vision

Our goal is for the hotel to become a global destination for adventure enthusiasts, and beyond that, a place where local meets world, ideas are shared, and solutions are found. As active members of the Grabouw community, we are fully aware of the challenges our town – like so many in South Africa – faces and we are excited to think that Trail’s End could play a significant part in uniting the local community through sport as well as providing much-needed jobs as it contributes to building the local tourism industry.


Our En-suite rooms can accommodate up to five guests. Each room has a private bathroom and access to a communal coffee station.


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